About Me
Well, this section is all about me. At this point you already know my name: I am a youngster man looking for questions to answer, because “It’s the questions we can’t answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think… give a man a question…”, since if you do not think you may forget all those important reasons to be alive.
So, academically speaking I would say that yesterday I was an assistant researcher at University Carlos III de Madrid. Now, I am doing my PhD there, trying to have fun with everything I do. Being better with every Failure, for Life is a process of learning and discovery.
My Experience
Life is about passion
"Death is inevitable. Our fear of it makes us play safe, blocks out emotion. It’s a losing game. Without passion you are already dead." — Max Payne —
I have been always interested in Computer Science and Personal Computers. That was the reason I decided to start at the University Carlos III of Madrid my studies, where I received the B.S degree in Computer Science and Engineering in 2018 and the M.S. degree in Robotics and Automation in 2019. The years working as an assistant researcher at IMDEA Networks gave me enough experience to join in 2018 the Intelligent Systems Lab group at the UC3M. Since then I collaborate in several research projects and, finally, decided to join a PhD program to fulfil my greed for knowledge. My current research include areas such as localization, perception, planning, decision problems and communication with a focused self-driving vehicles. Besides, I also work with several simulation platforms and robotic frameworks. But I consider myself very versatile so I would never restrict me in a set of finite tools and technologies. Since the more you know, the more question you come up with.

My Way of Thinking
I’m not particularly fond of taking on easy tasks, I like to scrutinize this treacherous world to see what it is hiding me. Most of the times when I do something in particular there is usually a well thought reason behind it, and the subset of those that are not, the reason is probably my saintly and curious stupidity… that of the curious meddler.
If there are those who spend their time trying to put me down, I will spend mine trying to fly higher so that their misery does not reach me.
I try to have a Why to face the Hows of this world… and if I don’t, I look for it. To find a rhythm you first have to get lost within its cadences.
"A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others." — Ayn rand —
A lot of my work is based on working with Decission Making problems, Machine Learning algorithms, Tasks Automation, Perception Systems, Intelligent Control, Simulation Enviroments, Graphic Environments and Distributed Systems.
Most of the tools in which I was able to achieve a great expertise are ROS (Robot Operating System), Gazebo, Carla, OpenCV, PCL (PointCloud Library), Eigen, Boost, Blender and Gimp. Most focused on C++ and Python code but able to be versatile with any other standard languages.