What I Do
Doing my PhD and working with ISL group at the University Carlos III of Madrid. My current research include State of the Art areas focused on Autonomous systems, Self-driving vehicles, Information processing and Decision making problems. To put in a nutshell, let’s take a look at these four areas…
How a Vehicle/Infrastructure is able to localize itself in complex environments and rural areas?
How these systems are able to see like a human being and “understand” that information?
How this information is used in order to solve planning and decision problems?
How this information is shared within those systems in charge of decide what to do next?
About Me
At this point you already know my name. I am a youngster man looking for questions to answer; because "It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think [...]"
So, academically speaking I would say that yesterday I was an assistant researcher at University Carlos III de Madrid. Now, I am doing my PhD there, trying to have fun with everything I do.

My Experience
Recent Works
- Working at the University Carlos III of Madrid and Leganés Tecnológico
- Full participation in CITIES Timanfaya (Spanish acronym for Smart Concept for Integrated Transport, Environmentally Safe)
- Participation at Interpretatic project
- Currently working as a part of the CCAD (Cooperative Connected and Autonomous Driving in Complex Environments) rearch lines